Where Can I Get Pin End Spiral Scroll Saw Blades?
This question has come up several times recently from different sources. I thought it was an interesting question, especially for new scrollers. So I decided to do some research to see if there was such a thing and perhaps provide an answer. Where Can I Get Pin End Spiral Scroll Saw Blades?
The quick answer to this question is: Spiral scroll saw blades are only available in Plain End / Pinless type. There are no scroll saw blade manufacturers that produce pinned / pin end spiral scroll saw blades.
While researching this, I found just one reference
To find out more about this, I spoke to several people with many years of experience with scroll sawing including some scroll saw blade retailers such as Mike’s Workshop, Seyco, and Leslie’s Patterns. Everyone that I have spoken with has been very helpful and has told me that they have never seen pin end spiral scroll saw blades.
In the process of researching this, I found that modern-day scroll saw blade manufacturers simply do not make pin end spiral scroll saw blades.
Even on Bear Wood’s website, there is a disclaimer for Pegas pin end spiral scroll saw blades that states the following: Please Note: Spiral Blades with Pinned Ends are not available.
I also had a conversation with one of Blackstone Industries, LLC technical support reps (Olson’s parent company). They told me that they do not now, nor have they ever manufactured pin end spiral scroll saw blades.
They suggested using the AC49610 conversion kit if you require a spiral blade and your scroll saw only accepts pin end blade types.
The AC49610 conversion kit is available at Amazon and Walmart.
Another option would be to consider moving to a scroll saw that accepts plain end blade types.
So Where Can I Get pin end spiral scroll saw blades?
The answer to this question is Spiral blades are only available in Plain End / Pinless type.
There are no scroll saw blade manufacturers that produce pinned / pin end spiral scroll saw blades.
Some factors that would discourage blade manufacturers from producing pin end
Most higher-end scroll saws now only accept plain end blade types. Modern manufacturing technology is also making scroll saws more widely available and much more affordable. With these factors and with the limitations that pin end blade types present, it would not make sense to manufacture them.
If they really have existed in the past, perhaps a pin end spiral scroll saw blade may have been useful or even necessary at the time however that would not hold true today.
If you do happen to have a pin end spiral scroll saw blade, please send us the details along with a picture and I will post it on our website.
I hope this has been helpful and you have enjoyed your visit. Let us know if you have any questions in the comments section below.
While you are here, check out some of our other pages for information on
Scroll Saw Patterns
Scroll Saw Blades
Tips and Tricks
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Thank You and Keep on Scrolling
Scroll Saw Blades FAQ
There are two different styles of blades that are available: “Pin End” and “Plain End.” Some higher-end scroll saws do not accept pin end blades and some older scroll saws do not accept plain end blades. Some scroll saw can use both.
-Skip Tooth
-Double Skip Tooth
-Crown Tooth
-Manufacturer Specific
The blade size that you need will depend on the project that you are doing. Wood species and material thickness will be factors in determining the size and type of blade that you will need
We have created a list of scroll saw blade manufacturers and retailers sorted by brand including their website.
– Improper Tension on the Blade
– Pushing Too Hard or “Hogging”
– Stock Type and Thickness
– Too Much Side Pressure on the Blade
– Inferior Blades
– Blade Alignment
– Dirty or Defective Blade Holder Clamps
– Breaking When Making Tight Turns
– Corrosion
– Worn Out Blade
8 thoughts on “Where Can I Get Pin End Spiral Scroll Saw Blades?”
I certainly enjoyed your research on pinned-end spiral saw blades and can now terminate my search for said animal.
In the late 60’s I did have an approximation of a pinned-end spiral blade in a ‘x-acto’ tool kit. The blade had a tight “U” formed at each end, the “U” acting as a “pin” to fit the engagement slots of a common coping saw frame. X-acto marketed a 3-pack of the spiral blades as No. 44C-ST. My blade broke years ago and I have never been able to locate the replacement kit or any facsimile of a pinned spiral blade to fit a coping saw frame. I am resigned to purchasing a “jewelers” saw frame to accomodate the readily available plain-end blades.
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