About Us
Welcome to my website. My name is Chris and I am from central Pennsylvania where I live with my wife and two of my four children. I have enjoyed the hobby of scroll sawing since February of 2012 when I got my first scroll saw.
I started with woodworking about a year earlier in 2011 shortly after my daughter was born. When I got my first router I started to make hand routed signs using old pallet wood. The reason that I got the scroll saw was to enhance the signs I made.
Back when I first started scrolling I had no idea of what to do or how to do it. I brought my new Craftsman 16 inch scroll saw home, pulled it out of the box and set it on the workbench. I turned it on and started to cut my first piece having no idea of how to do it. At first, I wasn’t even sure how the blade was to be installed.
So I started searching for any information I could find everywhere that I could think of. Even though I have been scrolling for a few years now, I am not an expert by any stretch of the imagination.

I still consider myself to be a newbie who has tried a lot of different things. Now that I have learned a lot more about the scrolling and sign carving hobbies, I want to help others who are wanting to learn.
Discovering new ways to do things is always exciting so when I learn new tips or tricks, I will include them on this website. This is what scrollsawnewb.com is all about.
Thank you for visiting our website. I hope it has been helpful and you have enjoyed your visit.
Check out some of our other pages for information regarding:
Scroll Saw Patterns
Scroll Saw Blades
Tips and Tricks
Scroll Saw Websites
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Thank You and Keep on Scrolling